The old topsides.
The old hailing port.
Time out for the puppy.
Ya got the old bootstripe on one side and less of the old bootstripe on the other.
Trying to remove the old mylar covestripe.
All snuggled in.
Greta keeping an eye on the progress down below.
Trying to tame the rat's nest.
I know it's in here somewhere.
Raising the waterline.
Sanding off the old boot-stripe.
Nothing more sexy than a chick in Tyvex.
Our liveaboard friends, Mike and Nancy.
Their Westsail 32, Illusion.
Trying to get the stripe straight.
The pups playing in our back yard.
The evening before the launch.
Last minute bottom painting.
In the slings, ready to go.
About to get wet.
She floats!
Our new home on the water.